Bernard Declève is an architectural engineer and an urban designer. He is full professor at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL), where he leads the School of Urbanism located in the Faculty of Architecture, Architectural Engineering and Urban Planning. His area of research is the evolution of the conditions of living in large cities and its influence on the urban and territorial project as a spatial concept and as a collaborative scope of action. He has an extensive international experience in Europe, Africa and Latin America, with an expertise in the collaborative urban research processes that involve public operators, economic actors, NGOs and researchers.
To know more about Bernard's contribution in the framework of Metrolab:
- Cycle "Dessiner La Transition II
- Metrolab organise the MasterClass "Designing Brussels Ecosystems"
- Metrolab organises the "Brussels Ecosystems" conference
- MasterClass working group’s scientific mission in the United States
- Research seminars cycle "Ecological Urbanism"
- Research seminars cycle "Urbanisme et Paysage"
- Study trip and research seminar: « Bruxelles-Montréal en projet »
- PhD défense: Roselyne de Lestrange. Le paysage comme matrice de la fabrique du territoire
- Evening lecture: "Des communs aux transports"
- Evening Lecture "Le commun comme phénomène et comme projet"
- ENSAP Lille | Research seminar "Ville Territoire Paysage"
- Metrolab welcomed the University of Paris 1 for an international workshop: "Bruxelles: les liens ville-canal"
- Metrolab - LOCI team participated in APERAU 2016
- Roselyne de Lestrange presented Metrolab BrabantSZenne. The previous living-lab experience
- Metrolab launch seminar
- Evening Lecture "Urban research what for?"